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handmade soap faq

Handmade Soap FAQ

Author: Balaji Shankar, Jun 1, 2024

In this article we will try to answer most of the frequently asked questions about handmade soaps

What is handmade soap?

Soap is produced by blending a highly alkaline solution with acids to form a near neutral solid called soap. The most common alkaline substance used in soap making is Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) a.k.a lye. To be more precise, the blending is actually a very energy intensive whipping process. This is to ensure that the alkali and acids form a homogeneous mixture which is then poured into silicon or wooden molds of desired shapes and sizes to form soap.

When the blending process is done by hand it is called as handmade soap. The blending may also be done by a power-driven stick blender which the soap maker holds in his hand and blends (which is still called handmade).

What are the benefits of handmade soap?

Listed below are the benefits of Doodle Soap

  • 1. It cleans very well.
  • 2. It is foamy (because of the natural formation of sodium cocomate in our recipe)
  • 3. It is super smooth (again due to super-fatting and choice of tested recipes)
  • 4. It is moisturizing (use of castor oil - also the natural glycerin present in handmade soaps)
  • 5. It is a natural fungicide and has skin-care properties (use of neem, pungam oils)
  • 6. It is skin-toning, removing blemishes, exfoliating and de-toxifying (use of french pink clay)
  • 7. It is mildly fragrant and skin-friendly (use of essential oils instead of synthetic fragrance oils)
  • 8. You are supporting small businesses
  • 9. You are being environment friendly (handmade soaps are non-polluting and bio-degradable)
  • 10. You are being economically responsible (by supporting local raw materials & low/no power production)
  • 11. You get a variety of choices

Can handmade soap go bad?

It can if it is not well made. If the lye to oil ratio is not proper and/or if the storage is poor then it can develop what are called as DOS (Dreaded Orange Spots). If there is excess oil that is left even after saponification, they can go rancid and smell bad. If it is exposed to moisture, the glycerin in handmade soaps can absorb the moisture and “sweat” - and oils can ooze out.

But all these problems can be avoided if a handmade soap is well done, with a proper recipe and lye:oil ratio.

Under tropical conditions, handmade soap can last 2 years without going bad. But they should be wrapped in plastic or stored in soap dishes during winter and monsoon.

Can handmade soap be made without lye?

One can make handmade soap from a glycerin base. But lye is required to produce glycerin - so you will indirectly use lye in soap making. In cold process soap making (which produces the best handmade soaps) lye is essential.

Does handmade soap kill germs?

It depends on the recipe. If the soap is super-fatted with oils like neem or pungam then such soaps can kill germs. But the downside is the hard smell of neem or pungam oil which most people dislike.

Do handmade soaps expire?

A well made handmade soap can last 2 years minimum. Under tropical conditions, handmade soap can last 2 years without going bad. But they should be wrapped in plastic or stored in soap dishes during winter and monsoon.

Is handmade soap biodegradable?

Yes. It depends on the ingredients, but if you make handmade soap with vegetable oils, lye, clay and essential oils it will certainly be 100% bio-degradable.

Is handmade soap good for hair?

Again depends on the ingredients and recipe. Castile soap or pure coconut oil soaps can be safely used on the hair. We are not sure if they are good for hair but they can clean the hair and scalp without any damage to hair follicles.

Is handmade soap safe?

It is. That is the whole idea of handmade soap. But anyone can be allergic to anything so it is best to do a patch test.

What natural soap is best for acne?

A natural soap with neem oil is good for acne and psoriasis. It should be super-fatted with neem oil.

Can natural soap cause yeast infection?

Yeast infections are generally caused when the bacterial balance of sensitive areas is disturbed. This can be caused by artificial syndet soaps, synthetic fragrance oils and other chemical-based products with SLS, paraben etc.

A well made Natural soap should not cause yeast infections. It is however best to do a patch test before trying a soap.

Can homemade soap be remelted?

Yes. Cold process handmade soaps can be remelted and rebatched to form soap - but the result is a poor looking soap!

Can homemade soap burn you ?

If a soap has a poor lye:oil ratio, or if it still needs curing it can burn the skin. Most responsible soap manufacturers are careful with their recipes so this should not happen in bought out handmade soaps.

Can natural soap be used on face?

If it is well made you can of course use it for your face. To be safe do a patch test first please.

How long can handmade soap be stored?

If you wrap it in some plastic with a rubber band around it, and store it away from moisture you can store it for 2 to 3 years! The only downside is that essential oils tend to lose their fragrance in 2 to 3 months.

At Doodle Soapery we make the finest organic, cold process, natural handmade soaps at an affordable price of Rs 95 for 100g.

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