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Aloe vera Soap, Allergies & Sensitivities

 Aloe vera Soap Allergies
Author: Balaji Shankar, Jun 21, 2024

Aloe Vera Allergies and Sensitivities


Aloe vera plant , scientifically known as aloe barbadensis, is one of the most popular natural products used in the cosmetic industry. Aloe vera plant contains 2 ingredients
(a) the gel inside the succulent leaves (transparent and tasteless)
(b) latex - the liquid immediately inside the skin of the leaf. (greenish yellow and bitter)

Aloe vera gel has been used very successfully in its native form as a face mask, hair mask, moisturizer and as an additive in bath soap.

In this article we will inquire into the potential allergies and sensitivities that aloe vera may cause. While aloe vera is generally very safe for majority of people, it may not agree with some people.

What Causes Aloe Vera Allergies?

As mentioned above, aloe vera contains latex; so if you are sensitive to latex then you may develop itching, rashes and in some cases hives. Aloe vera also contains proteins and enzymes. If you are sensitive to them, again you may develop skin irritation, redness, soreness etc., Another cause may be hyper-sensitivity to the Liliaceae family of plant species, Aloe vera belongs to the Liliaceae family. Another reason may be over exposure to aloe vera gel or latex (this happens only in extreme cases though)


There is a difference between allergy and sensitivity.

If a person is sensitive to aloe vera, he or she may merely develop skin rashes, redness, sore skin etc. There will be no internal reactions. On the other hand if a person is allergic, they may develop serious skin conditions in addition to asphyxiation, breathlessness, swooning etc,

The common symptoms of aloe vera allergy are skin irritation and rashes.

How to avoid/manage aloe vera allergy/sensitivity ?

In general topical application of aloe vera gel ( that is, smearing it on the skin or face) is what we recommend. At Doodle Soapery, we do not recommend ingestion of aloe vera as a medicine.

While it may be good for certain conditions, intake of herbal products should be done only after proper consultation with a medical professional.

To identify if you are allergic to aloe vera , always do a patch test (example: apply a small quantity to the back of your arm) and wait for an hour. If you do not develop any negative reactions you can try applying it fully.

If you are allergic, immediately discontinue the use of aloe vera product (in our case Doodle Aloe vera soap) and consult a dermatologist.

We can also gradually introduce aloe vera to our skin and let it get used to it. However, this in our opinion is wholly unnecessary.

For us Indians there are several excellent herbs like neem oil, neem fruit pulp, mahua oil or pungam oil that care for the skin equally well.


While aloe vera soap offers numerous benefits for most people, i t's essential to be aware of the potential for allergic reactions and sensitivities. By understanding the causes and symptoms of such reactions and taking appropriate precautions, you can enjoy the advantages of aloe vera without compromising your skin's health.

Always remember to perform a patch test and choose products carefully to keep your skin happy and irritation-free.

At Doodle Soapery we make the finest organic, cold process, handmade aloe vera soap at an affordable price of Rs 105 for 100g. Whatsapp : 90256 97739


1. American Academy of Dermatology. (2024). “Common Allergens in Skin Care Products.” From
2. Mayo Clinic. (2024). “Latex Allergy: Symptoms and Causes.”
3. WebMD. (2024). “Aloe Vera for Skin: Benefits and Risks.”

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